
 Only 28% of horse owners have an annual household income of more than $100,000; nearly half earn $25,000-75,000; and 34% earn less than $50,000. The minimum annual cost of owning a healthy horse is $2,500. $12-30 per month goes toward getting rid of their waste while the monthly board takes out about $500 per horse. Trimming costs typically run $30-75 per visit; shoeing costs $75-300. Dental care can cost around $250 per year, but might save you money in the long run. Older equine athletes might benefit from periodic joint injections to minimize inflammation from progressive degenerative joint disease; such treatments can run $400-700 once or twice a year. The cumulative daily expenses of horse ownership, which reach a minimum of $2,500-3,600 per year in addition to stabling, impact an owner's disposable income significantly. Understanding anticipated expenses can help owners--especially new ones--budget efficiently and provide their horses with consistent and diligent care.



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