

"This is Batman, the follwing contingencies recored are asigned to each member of the Justice League. The Justice League are my teammates, my friends, but we have to be preparied for the worst. If these contingencies are found by any JLA member, please understand, this had to be done for each of us....even myself. Our powers combined can save the world, but they can also destory it, volinterly or not. As the world's finest heroes, we have faced with evil doublegangers from different dimesntions, robots that can copy our powers, and telaphaths who can put us under mindcontrol. I have recordings of some JLA members, but not all. The ones I have will have to do for now. Each contingence has a codname matching with the JLA member it's asigned to. These contimgencies were ment to emobileize only, not kill, but can, if nesscary.