Earth is the very first location we ever visit in the Destiny series, it's where our guardian is originally resurrected. The Fallen have the most dense hold on Earth, though the Hive are in a close second place with their underground population.
The moon is the second location to be visited in the Destiny series, where the guardian you play first comes upon the Exo Stranger. The moon is overwhelmed with the Hive's presence, and once even held the son of a Hive god, Crota.
Venus is the third planet you visit within the series, which you're led to by the Exo Stranger. The Vex have a large hold on the planet, though the House of Wolves is keeping up behind it. The Fallen on the planet were decimated though, by the guardian you play as. The Vault of Glass once held the Vex god Atheon until he was taken out by, once again, you're guardian.-
The Reef is an astroid belt where the Awoken reside. You first meet the Awoken Queen, Mara, and her brother, Uldren, who leads the Crows. The first stop you make here they request your to kill a Vex Gatelord, and the second time they're wanting you're help to fight off the House of Wolves and eradicate them.
Mars is the fourth planet you arrive at, and you're confronted by a battle between the Vex and the Cabal. In the second game however, you're fighting a Hive presence and a Hive Wyrm god with the help of a warmind known as Rasputin.
The Dreadnaught is a large Hive ship in the rings of Saturn that was once run by Oryx. The ship itself is the Throne World of Oryx turned into a physical object. The area is still largely infected by the Hive and is thought to be taken over by one of Oryx's sisters, such as Savathun.
Titan is the second location you visit in Destiny 2, just after earth. The moon is almost entirely water and, once again, largely infected by Hive with a small hint of Fallen presence aboard the moon and it's very limited, manmade land.
Nessus is the third location you visit in Destiny 2. The planet is heavily populated with Vex forces with an even smallet Fallen presence on the planet. Upon reaching this planet you save the Hunter vanguard known as Cayde-6.
Io is the fourth planet you visit, which is populated by the Vex, Taken, and Cabal. Io is the last planet touched by the Traveler, allowing it to become one of the many other planets made habitable for life by the Traveler.
Mercury is the planet we recieve in the first DLC for Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris. This planet would be an exmaple of a planet that is completely taken over by the Vex. The Vex have such a hold on the place they have something set up known as the Infinite Forest, which is a simulated forest that produces an infinite amount of timelines and possibilities that are constantly being accessed.
The Tangled Shore is the place we recieve that is technically part of the reef. We recieve this location in the third DLC for Destiny 2, Forsaken. The Tangled Shore is ruled by an Eliksni known as Spider, though the Scourn presence in the Tangled Shore has upset him. This pact between Spider and your guardian is the only reason we're able to avenge our vanguard's death.
The Last City is where the Traveler resides. The city once held the Speaker until he was taken by the Red Legion. The Last City was destroyed and rebuilt within the timeline of Destiny and Destiny 2.