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Overall Brawlers Concept:

Brawlers are the controllable characters that you use in order to play the game. There are currently 52 different brawlers in the game with more to come!

Each brawler is uniquely different from each other from the factors of :

  • Health
  • Damage
  • Speed
  • Abilities
  • Class

Brawlers are set to certain classes due to their abilities and playstyle in game. The classes are:

  • Damage Dealer-Brawler is built to deal significant damage to opponents
  • Support- Brawler is built to be able to help out teammates and theirself
  • Tank-Brawler is built to have high health and be able to stay in a fight for longer
  • Assassin-Brawler is built to be most effective up close to opponents
  • Hybrid-Brawler is built to have more than one different playstyle from the previous four

All the brawlers in the game have different attacks and supers which can all range from different styles:

  • Straight Attack-Style of attack is a straight long line
  • Cone attack-Style of attack is aimed in the structure of a cone which shows the attack has spread
  • Throwing Attack- Style of attack is thrown through the air and lands in a specific area
  • Close-Ranged Attack- Style of attack is short-distanced


In order to unlock brawlers, you must either get them from brawl boxes, which is obtained from the Brawl Pass or free rewards, or the Trophy Road, a reward system that acts like a milestone in which you can obtain brawl boxes, coins, gamemodes, brawlers, etc for gaining trophies via winning in-game matches.

Brawlers are split into rarity and their rarity depends on how unique they are. However, the higher the rarity of a brawler DOES NOT mean they are stronger than lower rarity brawlers, it only means their uniqueness. Brawlers are split into the following rarities:

  • Starter- Only one brawler in this rarity which is the one you're giving when first starting
  • Trophy Road- Obtainable on through reaching milestones in The Trophy Road
  • Rare- Most common rarity
  • Super rare- 2nd most common rarity
  • Epic- Intermediate rarity
  • Mythic- 2nd highest rarity
  • Legendary- Highest rarity
  • Chromatic- Most unique rarity, new brawlers that are added to the game as a chromatic brawler start off with a legendary rarity, until the season they were added in finished and go down a rarity in the next season. This Pattern continues until it stops at having an epic rarity.

Brawlers can be also obtained in the in-game store via gems, the in-game currency. The higher the rarity, the more expensive the sale is.

Star Powers, Gadgets, Gears:

You are able to upgrade your brawlers so that they can compete against opponents more efficiently. In order to do so, you will need to collect energy points from brawl boxes, Trophy Road, Brawl Pass, and etc. Usually you will obtain energy points for specific brawlers and sometimes you will be able to pick which brawler you want to assign the points to. Once you reach the amount of points needed to upgrade a brawler, it will cost coins to purchase the character upgrade. The more you upgrade a character, the more points it will require and the higher it will cost.

The more you upgrade your brawler, the more you will have access to different character perks that will aid them in matches. You are able to obtain:

  • Gadgets: Access to it as brawler level 7, quick ability that can be activated in-game. Only receive three uses of gadgets per game.
  • Star Powers: Access to it at brawler level 9, passive ability that can be binded into a character or activated ingame, unlimited use until match ends.
  • Gears: Access to it al brawler level 10, second gear slot at level 11. Five gadgets in total that help boost a brawler's main stat in certain scenarios. Gears can be upgraded to the maximum of level 3.

All of these extra advantages can be obtained through brawl boxes or the in-game shop.